bpost and flyer.be join forces to offer customers easy and efficient distribution throughout belgium.

Local or national distribution of printed materials has never been easier. The market leaders. bpost & flyer.be join forces to distribute printed documents efficiently and effectively in a specific field.

To present this new concept to the client, a web interface was required with an intuitive experience that would facilitate the user’s journey from its arrival to the site until it reached its goal, based on a task-oriented design approach.

What’s done ?

  • Logo
  • Identity system
  • Brand
  • Website
  • Motion Design

Project Outcome

Easy Transition

Aliquam ligula lectus, efficitur non pretium quis, elementum quis sapien. Nunc dapibus mi vitae mi placerat eleifend. Cras ullamcorper molestie massa, at suscipit quam rhoncus vel. Suspendisse accumsan id diam.

Amazing Results

Aliquam ligula lectus, efficitur non pretium quis, elementum quis sapien. Nunc dapibus mi vitae mi placerat eleifend. Cras ullamcorper molestie massa, at suscipit quam rhoncus vel.

“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.”

Alan AdamsCEO, Essential Company

Creative solution for easy printing and distribution wherever and whenever I want.

Mr. OlivierClient flypost


Easy Transition

Aliquam ligula lectus, efficitur non pretium quis, elementum quis sapien. Nunc dapibus mi vitae mi placerat eleifend. Cras ullamcorper molestie massa, at suscipit quam rhoncus vel. Suspendisse accumsan id diam.

Amazing Results

Aliquam ligula lectus, efficitur non pretium quis, elementum quis sapien. Nunc dapibus mi vitae mi placerat eleifend. Cras ullamcorper molestie massa, at suscipit quam rhoncus vel.

UX Design

Information Architecture

Organisation and structure of the content in a logical and user-friendly way so that the user can have a smooth journey during the use of the concept that flypost offers,

Testing after launch

Testing of the product during creation and after launch is required, see user interaction during the use of the product to correct, modify or add features to enhance the user experience.